
The kitchen is the centre of nearly every home but it can also be one of the most expensive rooms to redo. Along with changing colours of the walls, why not give the entire kitchen a makeover? I offer a complete kitchen painting service, be it traditional hand painted or a flawless spray finish, anything is possible. Below are the options to suit most budgets:

  • Simple - Door/Drawer Faces, Plinths, Carcas fronts, and End Panels

  • Intermediate - Door/Drawer both sides, Plinths, Carcas fronts, and End Panels

  • Complete - Door/Drawer both sides, Plinths, Carcas inside and out, and End Panels

Nearly all types of kitchens are suitable for painting. Whether its solid wood or foil covered MDF, there is a process to suit. If you are unsure whether your kitchen is suitable to be painted then please get in touch.